Surgical mask pushed onto spike of wraught iron fence in NYC.
Surgical mask pushed onto spike of wraught iron fence in NYC.
Officer Blanshan leaves the 19th precinct during the COVID19 Lockdown in NYC
Officer Blanshan leaves the 19th precinct during the COVID19 Lockdown in NYC
Surgical mask on sidewalk as homeless person shelters under umbrellas during COVID19 lock down in New York City
Surgical mask on sidewalk as homeless person shelters under umbrellas during COVID19 lock down in New York City
Tiffany & CO. at Rockefeller Center, NYC is closed for the COVID19 pandemic.
Tiffany & CO. at Rockefeller Center, NYC is closed for the COVID19 pandemic.
Radio City and it’s streets void of people during the COVID-19 stay at home directive in NYC
Radio City and it’s streets void of people during the COVID-19 stay at home directive in NYC
Security guard at Rockefeller Center Ice Rink stands alone during COVID-19 stay home directive.
Security guard at Rockefeller Center Ice Rink stands alone during COVID-19 stay home directive.
30 Rock towers above an empty plaza and an empty New York City during the COVID19 lock down.
30 Rock towers above an empty plaza and an empty New York City during the COVID19 lock down.
5th Ave void of people and cars during the COVID-19 stay home directive
5th Ave void of people and cars during the COVID-19 stay home directive
An empty New York City Subway is rare at anytime but at 11:58 am on a Saturday… COVID19 lock down
An empty New York City Subway is rare at anytime but at 11:58 am on a Saturday… COVID19 lock down
Lone FedEx delivery man on empty sidewalk in NYC during COVID19 Lock down.
Lone FedEx delivery man on empty sidewalk in NYC during COVID19 Lock down.
57th Street void of people during the COVID19 lock down in NYC
57th Street void of people during the COVID19 lock down in NYC
Grand Central Station, NYC, track entrance void of people in the middle of the day during COVID19 lockdown
Grand Central Station, NYC, track entrance void of people in the middle of the day during COVID19 lockdown
Grand Central Station main hall with only 8 people and sun streaming thru glass
Grand Central Station main hall with only 8 people and sun streaming thru glass
One lone passenger makes her way to the train on track 16 at New York City’s Grand Central Station
One lone passenger makes her way to the train on track 16 at New York City’s Grand Central Station
Lone cyclist covered in full PPE during COVID19 lock down in the middle of 5th Ave.
Lone cyclist covered in full PPE during COVID19 lock down in the middle of 5th Ave.
Park Ave during the NYC COVID-19 stay at home directive.
Park Ave during the NYC COVID-19 stay at home directive.
Jogger in Bus Lane during the COVID19 lock down in NYC
Jogger in Bus Lane during the COVID19 lock down in NYC
Family walks along an empty 5th ave sidewalk during COVID19 lock down in NYC
Family walks along an empty 5th ave sidewalk during COVID19 lock down in NYC
Cyclist on a carless Park Ave in New York City during COVID19 lockdown
Cyclist on a carless Park Ave in New York City during COVID19 lockdown
A man walks casually in the middle of the street during COVID19 lock down in NYC
A man walks casually in the middle of the street during COVID19 lock down in NYC
Lone woman on bike riding along Madison Ave during COVID19 lockdown in NYC.
Lone woman on bike riding along Madison Ave during COVID19 lockdown in NYC.
Man takes a break during a bike ride to use his phone during COVID19 lockdown in NYC
Man takes a break during a bike ride to use his phone during COVID19 lockdown in NYC
Two people sit, socially distant with masks on talking in Bryant Park, NYC
Two people sit, socially distant with masks on talking in Bryant Park, NYC
Bike delivery man on an empty 5th Ave during COVID19 lock down in NYC
Bike delivery man on an empty 5th Ave during COVID19 lock down in NYC
NYPD officer in squad car with COVID19 surgical mask on.
NYPD officer in squad car with COVID19 surgical mask on.
Woman wearing mask with dog in purse walks in Central Park during COVID19 lock down.
Woman wearing mask with dog in purse walks in Central Park during COVID19 lock down.
Lone bike rider on CitiBike in Central Park speeds past in a blur wearing a mask during COVID19
Lone bike rider on CitiBike in Central Park speeds past in a blur wearing a mask during COVID19
Local wine shop proprietor in his COVID19 protective mask during lock down in NYC
Local wine shop proprietor in his COVID19 protective mask during lock down in NYC
Broadway closed and the streets are empty out side the theater hosting the infamous play Hamilton.
Broadway closed and the streets are empty out side the theater hosting the infamous play Hamilton.
Radio City at night with empty streets during the COVID19 lock down in New York City.
Radio City at night with empty streets during the COVID19 lock down in New York City.

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